Friday 10 February 2012

Gift (ed)


Today was the last day of term and took the form of an INSET (staff training day). It took place with three other schools at a different school to mine, so the husband took the day off to look after the boy as the nursery run just wasn't practical.

One of the training sessions I attended was on 'Challenging Gifted and Talented Students'. It was thought-provoking and useful, and I was given a booklet to accompany the training. Below is an extract that my 'parent head' (that makes me sound a little like Worzel Gummidge), found rather interesting.

Highly Gifted Children: What are we dealing with?

  • All were alert at birth or soon thereafter.
  • Books were a favourite interest of most before three or four months.
  • All appeared to understand parental directives between birth and four months.
  • The majority independently looked at and turned pages of books before 6 months.
  • Most knew and said some words by 5-9 months.
  • Half spoke well before age one.
  • All spoke at near-adult level complexity by age 2.
  • Most played with shape sorters before 11 months.
  • Many recognised and picked out specific numbers and letters by 10-14 months.
  • All knew colours, numbers, the alphabet and shapes by 15 months.
  • Most were good at puzzles before 12 months, 35+ piece puzzles by 15 months.
  • All showed musical aptitude before 18 months.
  • All 'read' words on signs and simple books and labels before two years.
  • All memorized books read to them before 20 months.
  • Many could rote count to 10, many higher, by 13 to 20 months.
  • Most could print letters, numbers, words, and their names between 16 and 24 months.
  • High interest in factual information, how things work, science, by two years.
  • Most read simple books, 'board' books, by age 18-24 months.
  • Most grasp skip counting, backwards, addition, subtraction, more or less, by two years.
  • All were independent on computer by age two years, all keyboarding before three.
  • All read children's chapter books by age 3 to 4 years.
  • All showed interest in pure facts, dictionaries, etc. by age 3.
  • All question the reality of Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy by 3 or 4 years.
  • All understand abstract math concepts and basic math functions before age four.
  • All read six or more years beyond age from 6 years old.
I am quoting verbatim here. To be honest, the list made me feel a little sick, but I started to think about how Dexter would compare...

Dexter was alert at birth, as he was very fortunate in not having a traumatic entry into the world, but then he slept - a lot. He really likes books, but in a slightly more visceral way: he likes to chew them; he loves trying to turn the pages of big books whilst sitting on them; he is becoming very good at removing the pop-up bits from slightly more interactive books and the pages and spines from less hardy tomes. He does not understand/chooses to ignore parental directives, and will continue to remove all of the DVDs from the shelf, despite being told a very firm 'No!' Dexter likes to say 'Mama' and 'Dada', but mainly, just to blow raspberries. He has several shape sorters; he likes to put the shapes in his mouth and then on the floor. Likewise, he has a number of lovely wooden jigsaw puzzles; see comments on shape sorters. He shows his 'musical aptitude' by furiously spinning the mental 'Macarena drum' round and chewing on a xylophone beater. I have tried doing drawing with him; he eats the crayons and chalk. As mentioned in previous posts, he types in fluent Swedish on Daddy's laptop and likes the Ladybird Books app on my i phone. Finally, Dexter had his own video message from Santa Claus for his first Christmas last year, telling him he'd been a good boy and would get a visit: he believes.

I am not a pushy parent (I hope), nor do I want to label my child as a chronic underachiever from an early age. I'm not sure if he's displaying any early signs of being 'highly gifted'. He is however, displaying many signs of being a happy, curious, giggly, gurgly, teething baby, and that's fine by me.

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