Sunday 25 November 2012

Wash-day blues


Today has been a bit of a washout - as demonstrated visually by today's #366 picture! There have been some moments of winter sunshine, but mainly, the rain continues to fall. I am writing this at approaching four o'clock, and it's really getting dark out there.

There was a plan for today: riding lesson for Mummy; play, lunch and nap for Dexter, followed by a family trip to the park.

The boy is currently still snoozing. There is no point in waking him up yet as the park plan has been abandoned. Rain has stopped play.

I have used nap time very efficiently. I've made the world's biggest vegetable lasagne (official), Dexter has clean and dry bedding and towels, and the cat has a clean toilet. You'd never think I had a pile of exercise books waiting to be marked...

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