Thursday, 23 February 2012

Spring has sprung...


This morning at school started with the usual Thursday morning whole-staff briefing. At the end of it, a colleague of mine came over to me and told me how much she enjoyed reading my blog last thing at night as a 'wind-down' from the day. She said she loves it because it's celebratory. I was really touched and flattered by that and it brought a tear to my eye, obviously - see a previous post on the lack of control I have over my tear ducts. I was even more thrilled with this comment, as the colleague in question is an amazing woman - the most hard-working professional and mother of three, who doesn't let any of the gazillions of plates she spins fall to the ground. A real role model.

Today felt like a celebratory day. Spring seemed to be elbowing miserable old Winter out of the way and putting in an appearance in all her glory. It was remarkably warm; my classroom quickly heated up to the earth's core temperature. I'm on the first floor, and the windows have a 'safety' feature which means they hardly open (I assume to prevent me from chucking myself out of them on a particularly bad day). Cue lots of complaints from teenage boys, post PE, about their sweaty backs. Nice. So glad I've got that to look forward to...

Dexter started the day in a jolly mood himself. He was very giggly and full of smiles this morning. I collected him from nursery an hour earlier than normal as we haven't got through the door before 6pm on any day this week. Apparently he'd been outside in the Huffle garden. As he's more into crawling than attempting to walk, they'd dressed him in a sort of waterproof onesie. They took some gorgeous pictures of him scooting around on all fours with a big smile on his face, looking like a miniature fisherman.

Today's #366 photo is of the boy at bathtime. I thought his shampooed hair made him look like a little Spring chick. He had his own little celebratory smile at the discovery that aside from his rubber ducks, he comes with his own ready-made 'attachment' (ahem), to 'play' with in the bath. He's going to love me for this when it's brought up at the celebration of his 18th birthday...

Brilliance in Blogging: LIT!

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