Vote for me to win a BiB Award!

You may well have visited this part of the blog before. If you have, you may also have nominated Brighton Ramblings for a BritMums BiB (Brilliance in Blogging award). If this is the case, thank you, as your nomination has helped to get me to the final shortlist in the 'Lit' category. There were over 12,000 nominations in total, so I'm thrilled to be part of that.

I'd be even more thrilled if you could click on the badge below and vote again on the (much more straightforward) voting form. Dexter and I would be really grateful.

Thank you!

1. Click on badge link below.
2. Click on the pink 'Vote' badge on the page you are taken to (bottom right). This will take you to the voting form.
3. On the voting form, find category no. 5 'Vote for your favourite blog for the Lit! Award'. Brighton Ramblings is no.4 in this category. Click on the circle next to 'Brighton Ramblings'.
4. Click on 'Done' at the bottom of the page and keep your fingers crossed!
5. The final deadline for voting is 30th April 2012.

Much appreciated.

Lit Shortlist