Thursday, 16 February 2012

Lazy Day


A lazy day today. The boy woke for milk at seven this morning and then went back to sleep until ten. As did I. Had to cancel plans to catch up with another friend and her very young baby as Dexter is still not one hundred percent himself.

Again, Dexter has been very clingy with me today. Whilst this is lovely, and confirmation that he does know who I am (I do wonder sometimes), it is making me slightly anxious about the return to work next week. The enormous (untouched) bag of marking is compounding this anxiety - must mark after blogging.

Today we have played, 'chatted', watched some television - although Dexter did not seem to share my interest in scenes of giving birth to twins and gypsy weddings - and attempted some firsts. I attempted to teach Dexter to count (ambitious?) with the use of some flashcards that were a birthday gift. We got to two, with the boy looking at me blankly and not even attempting to make the sound. Conscious of his targets from his last nursery report, I attempted to get Dexter to feed himself with a spoon. He was deeply uninterested and ate his mango yoghurt with his hands. This coincided with another epic nappy, so Dexter had his first shower, which he initially found alarming, but then seemed to enjoy the process.

We both spent two hours in the late afternoon fast asleep. I fear his post-jab fatigue is contagious. It's barely half past eight now and I really could go to bed. Am looking at snoozing baby on the monitor enviously.

Marking beckons...

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