Sunday, 30 December 2012

A promenade


Another long, lazy lie-in for Team W this morning. We did have a mild panic that the boy was going to get us up at six thirty this morning, but it proved to be a false alarm and Dexter just required some soothing strokes and his duvet pulling over him properly.

Miracle of Christmas miracles, it wasn't actually raining for once. We took advantage of the dry weather and drove to Hove Lagoon. Dexter caused a small queue at the children's swings, and then seemed most unimpressed by the wild and crashing sea. He quite enjoyed running along the promenade though with the cute and colourful beach huts as a backdrop.

We finished up with a visit to Waitrose - of course, so we're stocked up for the next part of the holiday.

The boy managed a whole day without a nap (please don't drop them, please don't drop them) and so was in bed at much more his usual time, rather than the tardy bedtimes of late.

I have spent the evening doing a small amount of work, and playing around with a new blog template. I can't believe tomorrow will be my 366th post of 'Brighton Ramblings'. It's going to be the blog's swansong. I'm definitely going to continue being a 'blogger', but this one is a gift for my boy.



  1. Cute, aren't they! They definitely brightened up a distinctly grey seafront today. Glad to see such a positive post from you today. This virtual community really is marvellous! xxx
