Friday, 17 August 2012

A good clear out


This morning, the husband and I did some major sorting in our room while the boy slept. We love our flat, but our bedroom is the one room that still doesn't feel quite right. For a start, it has had two huge redundant (but new) basin units in it since the bathroom was done ages ago - don't ask. Anyway, there was lots of sorting and rearranging. The huge boxes have gone. I'm still not one hundred percent thrilled with it, but the latest addition is a desk for me! Technically, it's not a desk but our old dining room table, half sanded, half not. It looks pretty cool and vintage, and the room is big enough to carry it off. I've got a place to blog in all to myself; no more excuses for being so behind now...

To celebrate, in the afternoon, we took Dexter to the park in the glorious sunshine. All he wants to do is stomp around. His natty footwear today was definitely made for adventuring!

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