Friday, 20 July 2012

School's out for the summer!


Woke up feeling a little jaded but mustered up the strength for the last coffee and breakfast stop of the academic year. It may have been the last day, but I still had two lessons, a meeting and some marking.

The traditional shared staff lunch, speeches and end-of-term celebrations make me feel like part of a very special community.

In the car on the way home, lift-share ladies and I tried to articulate exactly what the end of term feeling actually is in a word. We concluded that we were just too tired to feel anything but numb exhaustion.

I do however, feel immensely proud of myself. I know I've only done something that thousands of people do every single day. That said, I found returning to work full-time in September, after seven months of maternity leave, really really tough, and there were times when I didn't think I could do it. But I can and I have.

My reward? Today's #366 photograph says it all.

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