Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Doing a Beyonce


Today, a celebratory post. This morning, I picked-up lovely lift-share lady and drove the boy to nursery. There, I handed him over to the competent young women who work there and whose care he would be in all day. I was then off timetable at school to work with other lovely lift-share lady and a massively hard-working and talented senior female member of staff as a follow-up to the course I went on a couple of weeks ago. Between us, we had a really constructive day and achieved loads.

Having collected Dexter from nursery, driven him home, clapped furiously at his increasingly steady walking, bathed him, given him medicine, cleaned his teeth and read him a story, the husband took over and put him to bed. I then made dinner (heated a pizza and opened a bag of salad), and have been working ever since. I have been writing emails and dealing with stuff on my to-do list; I am avoiding actual marking. I have made email contact with three other female colleagues in the last hour. It is now approaching half past nine in the evening.

The common theme here? Women. I'm not going to go on a feminist rant, nor am I going to write a post with 'man-bashing' at its heart. I work with amazing male colleagues and teach a huge number of fantastic boys. I also have a fabulous husband and peach of a son of course, and lots of brilliant male friends. But today, I just wanted to celebrate W O M A N in all her multi-tasking, getting on with it, seizing the day glory.

Dexter, my boy, when you finally read this, I hope I have instilled such respect in you for the women in your life.

Disclaimer one: I think the judge for my category in the BritMums 'Brilliance in Blogging Awards' is a man. I may well have shot myself in the proverbial foot...

Disclaimer two: the husband has done a load of washing (as is normal) this evening; I ignore the washing basket, aside from filling it.

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