Today is my final official day of freedom; I never count weekends as part of school holidays as they are work-free as a matter of course. The boy and I whizzed round to a lovely mummy friend's place. Dexter and her daughter watched CBeebies and generally felt sorry for themselves as they are both under the weather. Dear friend and I drank delicious coffee and chatted interiors, Christmas and whose homes we most envy on Instagram!
My lunchtime plan was a drive out to the country - in fact, to the village which is my number one choice for if we ever do manage to leave Brighton (watch this space Spring 2013). We were visiting another lovely friend - one I haven't seen for far too long. I taught her twin daughters (now in their twenties), and used to loan a horse from her, hence I spent a lot of time at her house. She and her husband were guests at our wedding. Since having Dexter, I've only been up there a couple of times, so a catch-up was long overdue.
Her house is amazing, but the welcome so warm and unpretentious. The boy and I arrived; it took a while to actually get him in the house as the driveway is filled with gravel...
We bowled into the huge, beautiful and toasty Aga-warm kitchen, the kettle went on, I threw Dexter's lunch into the microwave, and a catch-up began in earnest. There was time for some homemade lemon drizzle cake (Dexter ate half of mine), a toxic nappy (the boy's tummy is not right), and a catch up with the ponies. Dexter enjoyed pushing some toy trucks off a step in a compulsive and repetitive manner; he found it hilarious.
Yet again, I was reminded of the privilege of having such dear and lovely people in my life and of the fabulous female role models I have to aspire to.
It was a lovely way to round off a lovely week. I truly feel like I've had a break from the rat race and it will be okay to return to it on Monday...